
Introducing an all-new Phaxio!

Hey! We built new things for you. ✨

For the past few months, we’ve been rebuilding our platform to provide a seamless experience for our users. Today, we’re thrilled to formally launch the new console and Phaxio API v2.

New Phaxio Console Dashboard This is what happens when you attempt to make faxing cool.

Meet the shiny, new console

Working with a century-old technology shouldn’t feel slow and clunky. We rebuilt the Phaxio console from the ground up to give you a delightful user experience.

Here are some of the changes we're introducing to the new console:

Easier, faster navigation
Console-wide balance and recharge
Improved phone number management
Improved fax logs
Responsive layout

Go ahead and give it a try. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts! If you have any suggestions for further improvement, feel free to reach out to me directly at

Phaxio API v2, now on public beta

Aside from aesthetic and usability changes, we also improved on what we do best – hiding the complexities of faxing and telephony.

This time, we focused on making API v2 more consistent and standards-based.

Most notably, we made it compatible with standard HTTP methods and authentication, paginated resources and standardized date and phone formats. See the changelog for a more detailed list.

HTTP methods compatible
Standard date & phone format

We’re excited to see what you can build with Phaxio. Now, hit the terminal and get faxing! If you need help for anything, we’re just a few clicks away.

Start sending faxes right now!

We'll give you an API test key that you can use in your staging environment for free, and unlimited API calls.

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