Attach a PhaxCode to a PDF you provide




Name Type Description
x float The X-coordinate (in PDF points*) of where the PhaxCode should be drawn. x=0 is the left most point of the page.
y float The Y-coordinate (in PDF points*) of where the PhaxCode should be drawn. y=0 is the bottom most point of the page.
filename Binary Stream The PDF file to which you want to add the barcode.
metadata string Custom metadata to be associated with the created barcode. If not present, the basic PhaxCode for your account will be used.
page_number int The page where the PhaxCode should be drawn. 1-based.
api_key string Your api key
api_secret string Your api secret

A "point" is 1/72 of an inch. An 8.5"x11" document is therefore 612 pt x 792 pt.


A PDF file containing a PhaxCode at the location specified.