
The following objects may be used when interacting with the Phaxio API:

Fax Object

The fax object is a JSON object returned by the Phaxio API and represents a fax job in the system. Its properties are described in the table below.

Name Description
id The fax's ID number. Can be used to retrieve the fax later.
barcodes A list of barcode objects if barcodes were scanned in the received document. All pages of received faxes will be scanned for Code128, Data Matrix, and PhaxCode barcodes.
caller_name If enabled in your fax settings, this contains descriptive information about the sender for received faxes.
direction Either 'sent' or 'received'. States whether the fax is being sent or received.
num_pages The number of pages in the fax.
cost The total cost of the fax in cents. This value may change depending on the success of the job. See the billing page.
status The status of the job. See the statuses page for more information.
is_test true or false. States whether the job is in test mode.
created_at A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time when the initial API call was made.
caller_id For sent faxes, the number set as the caller ID when sending the fax.
from_number For received faxes, this holds the sender's E.164 phone number.
to_number For received faxes, this holds the Phaxio phone number that was used to receive the call.
recipients For sent faxes, this holds an array of recipient objects. See below section on recipient objects.
tags A hash of tag name and value pairs. If a fax was sent with tag metadata, it will appear here.
error_type One of the Phaxio error types. Will give you a general idea of what went wrong for a failed fax. (e.g. `lineError`)
error_message A more detailed description of what went wrong for a failed fax.
error_id A numeric error code that corresponds to the error message, if any.
completed_at If the job is complete, this is a timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time the job was completed.

Example Fax Object

    "id": 123456,
    "direction": "sent",
    "num_pages": 3,
    "status": "success",
    "created_at": "2015-09-02T11:28:02.000-05:00",
    "from_number": null,
    "completed_at": "2015-09-02T11:28:54.000-05:00",
    "caller_name": "Catherine Lee",
    "cost": 21,
        "order_id": "1234"
    "to_number": null,
    "error_id": null,
    "error_type": null,
    "error_message": null,
    "barcodes": []

Recipient Object

A JSON object describing a fax recipient

Name Description
phone_number The recipient's E.164 phone number
status The status of the job for this specific recipient. See the statuses page for more information.
retry_count The number of times transmission to this recipient was scheduled to be retried due to failures.
completed_at A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time the job was completed for this recipient.
bitrate The bitrate in bits/second that the fax was transmitted at.
resolution The horizontal resolution that the fax image was transmitted at in pixels per meter.
error_type One of the Phaxio error types. Will give you a general idea of what went wrong for this receipient. (e.g. `lineError`)
error_message A more detailed description of what went wrong for this receipient.
error_id A numeric error code that corresponds to the error message, if any.

Phone Number Object

A JSON object describing a phone number

Name Description
phone_number The phone number in E.164 format
city The city for the area code of the number
state The state for the area code of the number
country The country of the number
cost The monthly cost of the number in cents
last_billed_at A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the last time your account was billed for this number
provisioned_at A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time you provisioned the number
callback_url A callback URL, if configured, for incoming faxes to this number

Example Phone Number Object

    "phone_number": "+18476661235",
    "city": "Northbrook",
    "state": "Illinois",
    "country": "United States",
    "cost": 200,
    "last_billed_at": "2016-05-10T11:38:15.000-05:00",
    "provisioned_at": "2016-03-10T11:38:15.000-06:00",
    "callback_url": null

Barcode Object

A JSON object describing a scanned barcode

Name Data Type Description
type string Describes the format of the barcode: phax_code, code_128, or data_matrix
page int The number of the page where the barcode was scanned. 1 based.
value string For non-PhaxCodeode barcodes, this is the information contained in the barcode
identifier string For PhaxCode barcodes only. The alpha-numeric identifier of the barcode.
metadata string For PhaxCode barcodes only. The metadata associated with the PhaxCode.

Example PhaxCode Object

    "type": "phax_code",
    "page": 1,
    "identifier": "px:ahZhax",
    "metadata": "example metadata which can even be JSON"

Example Barcode Object

    "type": "code_128",
    "page": 5,
    "value": "12345"

ATA Object

Name Data Type Description
id integer The ATA's ID number.
name string The name assigned to the ATA.
description string The description assigned to the ATA.
user_phone_number E.164 Phone Number The user phone number associated with the ATA.
domain string The domain for the ATA.
domain string The MAC address for the ATA (12 hexadecimal digits).
username string The username for the ATA.
Note: This is only returned by operations that set or change the username (i.e. create and regenerate_credentials).
password string The password for the ATA.
Note: This is only returned by operations that set or change the username (i.e. create and regenerate_credentials).

Autodetected ATA Object

Name Data Type Description
mac_address string The detected ATA's MAC address.
user_agent string The detected ATA's user agent string.
last_seen string A timestamp representing the last time the ATA was detected.

Address Object

A JSON object describing an address

Name Description
id ID number of address record. Used to reference address later.
end_subscriber_type Entity type of the end subscriber. Either 'company' or 'individual'.
company_name Company name of address (if address is owned by a company)
first_name First name of owner of address (if address is owned by an individual)
last_name Last name of owner of address (if address is owned by an individual)
phone_number Phone number of address owner
email_address Email address of address owner
vat_number Value Added Tax (VAT) number
street Street name
street_number Street number
residence Residence name
floor Floor number
box Box number
postal_code Postal/ZIP code
city City name
state State/province/territory name
country 2-letter ISO 3166 country code (e.g. 'GB' or 'DE')
service_usage User-defined value describing use or purpose of address

Example Address Object

    "id": 41,
    "end_subscriber_type": "individual",
    "company_name": null,
    "first_name": "Max",
    "last_name": "Mustermann",
    "phone_number": null,
    "email_address": "user@example.com",
    "vat_number": null,
    "street": "Wilhelmstraße",
    "street_number": "123",
    "residence": null,
    "floor": null,
    "box": null,
    "postal_code": "12345",
    "city": "Berlin",
    "state": null,
    "country": "DE",
    "service_usage": null

Blocking Rule Object

A JSON object describing a blocking rule

Name Description
id ID of the rule
to The destination rule to block. (One of '*', a country alpha2 ('US'), or an e.164 phone number)
from The source rule to block. (One of '*', a country alpha2 ('US'), or an e.164 phone number)
direction The direction of the call that this rule applies to. (Either 'send' or 'receive)
is_locked A boolean that denotes if this rule has been locked by the Phaxio service and cannot be altered by a user without contacting support.

Example Blocking Rule Object

    "id": 34567,
    "to": "*",
    "from": "+12015723798",
    "direction": "send",
    "is_locked": false

Port Order Object

Name Description
id The ID of the order.
port_numbers An array of Port Number Objects
contact_number The E.164 contact number for the order.
contact_email The contact email for the order.
account_identifier The identifier for the account associated with the numbers to port.
name_on_account The name of the account associated with the numbers to port.
name_of_business The name of the business associated with the numbers to port.
provider_name The name of the provider associated with the numbers to port.
port_type The type of numbers being ported. Either "business" or "residential".
port_out_pin The PIN or password required to port out the number.
billing_number The E.164 billing number for the order.
billing_address1 The first billing address line.
billing_address2 The second billing address line.
billing_city The billing address city.
billing_state The billing address state.
billing_zip The billing address ZIP code.
status The status of the order. See the statuses page for more information.
quantity The quantity of numbers in the order.
created_at A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time when the order was created.
updated_at A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time when the order was last updated.
requested_for A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time when the order was requested to complete.
completed_at A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time when the order completed.
bill_received_at A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time when the bill was received.

Example Port Order Object

  "id": 1234,
  "contact_number": "+15551231234",
  "name_on_account": "Alice Acme",
  "name_of_business": "Acme",
  "provider_name": "Example Provider",
  "billing_number": "+15551231234",
  "billing_address1": "123 Test St.",
  "billing_address2": null,
  "billing_city": "Test City",
  "billing_state": "IL",
  "billing_zip": 12345,
  "esig": "Alice Acme",
  "status": "open",
  "quantity": 1,
  "created_at": "2021-07-07T18:56:04.590+00:00",
  "updated_at": "2021-07-07T18:56:04.590+00:00",
  "completed_at": null,
  "requested_for": null,
  "bill_received_at": null,
  "port_numbers" [
      "id": 1234,
      "port_number": "+15551112222",
      "status": "open"
      "id": 5678,
      "port_number": "+15553334444",
      "status": "open"

Port Number Object

Name Description
id The ID of the port number.
port_number The E.164 phone number to port.
status The status of the port number. See the statuses page for more information.

Example Port Number Object

  "id": 1234,
  "port_number": "+15551112222",
  "status": "open"

Port Number Note Object

Name Description
id The ID of the port number note.
note The text of the note.
author The author of the note.
created_at A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time when the note was created.
updated_at A timestamp (in RFC 3339 format) representing the time when the note was last updated.

Example Port Number Note Object

  "id": 1234,
  "note": "Test note",
  "author": "John Smith",
  "created_at": "2015-09-02T11:28:02.000-05:00",
  "updated_at": "2015-09-02T11:28:02.000-05:00"